Thursday, April 26, 2012

Are you happy with your natural hair?

I'm talking about the hair on your head! :-D

Many hairdressers say it's hard to find a girl that is happy with her hair.

I am not too fond of mine. My natural hair is quite curly so I spend a great deal of time straightening it. How about yourself?

Are you happy with your natural hair?

Mine's great - Easy to manage, never goes out of style

Are you happy with your natural hair?

No the color is to blah

Are you happy with your natural hair?

No I hate it, thank god for dye and straighteners.

Are you happy with your natural hair?

Definitely NOT.. mine is a combo between straight and wavy, it is THICK and coarse-ish.. It takes me like an hour to blow dry it.. the same to straighten it.. horrible!

Are you happy with your natural hair?

well, i think it's alright to curl our hair every once in a while, or straighten it, and highlights are okay. but, if there is a way to make your hair look silky with using some sort of iron or coloring, then you should be happy with it

Are you happy with your natural hair?

not anymore!!!

Are you happy with your natural hair?

Im not happy with the hair on my head, or in my pants, way to curly lol

Are you happy with your natural hair?

my hair is naturally straight and blonde but i dye it black because i like the black hair - blue eyes contrast.


i guess im pretty much happy with the style but not so much the color...?

Are you happy with your natural hair?

yea, i am happy with my hair .

Are you happy with your natural hair?

No, mine is frizzy and it doesn't have a style. It's not straight and it's not wavy or curly. Weirdd

Are you happy with your natural hair?

my natural colour is brown wit tint ov red it was nice til i dyed it at 13 n ruined it i dye it still but wish had originall colour i permed mine ages ago didn like it so brushed it out stil ave kink in but straightens easy i use pantene sleek n straight shampoo n conditioner

Are you happy with your natural hair?

i dont mind it, gotta live with it so i make the most of it. i think girls with naturally straight hair wish to have curly hair, and girls with naturally curly hair wish to have straight hair. well from my experience neways

Are you happy with your natural hair?

i love the color, but sometimes the hair can be frizzy, sometimes it will be a lil wavy, but think god for straightners, and hairbows

Are you happy with your natural hair?

just like you I have curly hair that gets very frizzy if I dont straighten it.if I get caught in the rain I look like a wild woman

Are you happy with your natural hair?

i actually like mine. it's liek the only thing i liek about myself. i like my dark brown hair color because its a good contrast with my light skin and blue eyes. it's straight but still thick so it doesnt get all stringy and thin or whatever. it's kinda easy to curl, so that's always a plus. it also doesn't act up too bad in the humidity.

Are you happy with your natural hair?

If I leave my hair to dry I look like some throw back from the eighties,wavey curly fuzzy.oh how I love my straighteners xxx xxx

Are you happy with your natural hair?

I like my hair a lot. It's just thick enough and it has natural highlights. It's wavy without being too curly, but when I want it curly all I have to do is put mousse in it and it looks great. It takes a long time to straighten, like 45 minutes, but I never do that because I don't really like the whole 'super straight hair all the time' style.

Are you happy with your natural hair?

i shave my head every day so yes i am happy with mine

Are you happy with your natural hair?

no not really my natural hair colour is dark brown and i have been dyeing it red since i was 14yrs old that was 14yrs ago i started that.

Are you happy with your natural hair?

omg ;why would i like me hair. it is so thick and so wavy i can never leave it down with out straightening it. even when i straighten it, it looks bad cuz it's so thick and gets all frizzy. that's y most of the time my hair is up in a humongous bun. i went 2 get my hair thinned the other weekend and when the lady took my hair down from the bun she wuz like, "three times thicker then any hair, three times thicker!" and even though i got it thinned out it's still thick as hell. u should be happy u don't have hair that some ppl have. and then agian u should be happy u don't have no hair or really bad hair like some ppl. hope i wuz some help

Are you happy with your natural hair?

Not very many people are content with what they have. If they have curly hair they want straight hair, if they have straight hair they want curly hair. It's just one of man's weird quirks to be discontent with what God gave them.

I have my hair highlighted, to help make the color better. I wish I didn't have to use a flat iron every morning, but, otherwise, I can't complain too much! =)

Are you happy with your natural hair?

yes if afro comes back in stile

Are you happy with your natural hair?

Of course not. I don't even know what my natural color is anymore =P

Are you happy with your natural hair?

I hate mine now. I used to have straight hair. I had cancer and had to have Chemo and I have now got wavy hair. Am still alive tho x

Are you happy with your natural hair?

I detested my hair when I was younger. Bright red and curly, not just curly but really, really, really frizzy curly. Awful I thought. The adults used to coo over it, how nice and curly it was and what a lovely colour. Bah. My mum wouldn't let me have it cut and by the time I was 10 I could sit on it. Bath time used to be a nightmare. It's a wonder half the street weren't reporting a murder as she cruelly combed it out! Anyway my Grannie (her mother) asked me what I wanted for my 11th birthday pressie and I asked if I could have absolutely anything? She nodded and I had my hair cut, not just cut but razored off very, very short! My mum didn't speak to her for 2 years after that, lol:-D

Anyway, in 2002 I had to have chemotherapy due to Breast Cancer and I didn't lose my hair (as it was so thick and curly), but it went quite thin at the front. When it came back it wasn't as curly and it's now faded to a lovely strawberry blonde colour so at last I like my hair!

Are you happy with your natural hair?

i used to want curly hair, but-

I've come to the fact that I like how it's naturally STRAIGHT and thin, (Not thick and frizzy or wavey like my friends complain about, which is why I realize now I DO love it.),so even if it does kink one day, it only takes 5 minutes to straighten.

and it has natural highlights :D

and looks good long.

Though, it doesn't curl.

looks bad sort (thats ok though, short is gross anyways in my opinion lol)

And because it's thin, I think it makes up for fact in quantity lol so it gets tangled easily.

And sidebangs don't really work on my hair.

The color, yuck.

(It's like light brown, and looks gray in fluorescent light. lol

I've always wanted dark brown hair...)

also if I dont blow dry it it feels gross

and i have to switch shampoos daily otherwise it gets build up easy

Are you happy with your natural hair?

I'm basically happy with it now, but I never used to be.

When i was a teenager it was long down to my waist, yet was a complete frizz-ball wavy mess and split all up to my ears! Hideous!

Since then I've learned to look after it and now its quite healthy and shiny and black (naturally), with no signs of any grey yet! (I'm in my 30s).

i've learned how to make it look good either straight or curly and I've come to appreciate having wavy hair as it means i can wear it either way quite easily.

Haven't dyed my hair in years but when the first greys start peeking through i'll probably be tempted!

Are you happy with your natural hair?

My hair is thick curly and wavy. Sometimes I really hate it and other times like today i really love it. Its funny because people with curly hair tend to want straight and people with straight want curly.

Are you happy with your natural hair?

I am a bald man and quite happy with my situation! Men seen to have a easy time when it comes to hair!

Are you happy with your natural hair?

There were times when I had a perm I wasn't happy with my hair. I would ask my hairdresser to do a certain style and she would say your hair isn't long enough so the still would not hang the way it should. If I was happy when I left it only lasted maybe a couple of days then the style was gone. Now I'm natural and by trial and error you have to find the right products for your hair. Like now, I'm trying a roller set. Something I've never done. Tomorrow or Friday I'll see how it turned out, depends on when I want to take the rollers out. Another thing hair in it's natural state is more versatile. I can straighten it and put a ponytail on it, curl it, or have braids put in if I want a style to last a few months.

Are you happy with your natural hair?

No the gay put highlights in my hair and its so not my type!arghhh! men! hate that gay!

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