Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

I know, i know....not ANOTHER hair color question...but since everyone keeps telling me not to go black and i would look best deep brown, i thought i might share that my natural hair color is very, very dark instead of asking the question what hair color should i dye my hair, i guess i should be asking if i should go back to my original hair so...sorry bout that...please help though! :D



Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

your current color is more natural looking on you than the really dark look. Stick with what you are doing now, it's verrrrrry cute!!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

Current.... lights up your face more.

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?


Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

I lovelove your current hair, mucho grande!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

current looks the best... and your really pretty!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

I like the current one. The hair style is really pretty too.


Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

i personally like your current color!!

it just fits

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

old! looks more natural, not like you're trying too hard. You're a beautiful girl, just stick to your roots!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

Your attractive in both which is pretty amazing as some dark haired femmes just dont look good with lighter hair. However, I do prefer the darker hair. Makes you look more exotic.

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

I like your current color a lot better, it works better with your really pretty eyes.

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

current i luv it!!! its kute!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

Definitely light!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

i really like the current picture a lot more than the old one!!!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?


i personally like how it looks now.

but i like how it looked before.

i think it looks prettier in the second



Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

I think I like the current color best.

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

Definitely your current hair color. It makes your eyes stand out more.

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

black is a really difficult color for anyone to pull of. if you do decide to dye it black, use a SEMI permanant hair color. black can not be colored over and you'll have to bleach your hair!

why not try a color in between like these:

i definately like your wavy hair better though.

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

Woah... you look really different in the second one! I like your current haircut a LOT better, but your old color. But the new ones supercute too. If you went back to dark brown, you would have to do more natural makeup or you would look dark and shadowy. not good.

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

definitely current!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

I would definately have to say CURRENT! It really brings out your eyes and I agree with the person that said it "lights up your face" because it really does.

Good luck with whatever you decide!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

i think your current one looks beautiful. keep!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)? brings out your eyes..

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

I think the old color really makes your eyes stand out more, and makes your skin tone look less yellow. Could be the photos though. If I were you, I would mix it up. Put some of that dark in your hair as a lo light. It will look really rich. Good luck with your choice!

Current hair color or natural hair color? (pics included)?

We have to stop arguing about this, keep the current look - gorgeous. If you change I will shave my head.

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