Friday, April 20, 2012

Is natural hair colour boring?

no matter how nice the colour is, dyed hair is always more flashy and modern. or is this just an impression? what do you think about the pros and cons of dyed vs. natural hair?

Is natural hair colour boring?

I think it is just a matter of personal taste. Some people don't like the look of 'flashy and modern'. Some people think that it can look cheap or silly. I have coloured my hair many times, many different colours, but have decided that my natural colour really does look best. I recently coloured my hair it's natural colour and I'm going to leave it (no roots!). It feels pretty great not to be preoccupied with my hair colour...not boring at all.

Is natural hair colour boring?

every body's going blond be natural

Is natural hair colour boring?

Pro: It'll make you look better if you chose the right shade and style.

Con: It'll ruin our hair

Is natural hair colour boring?

Dyed hair only looks good if done professionally and maintained well. There are lots of girls who have really bad dye jobs. I'm pretty sure that no girl looks better with self-dyed hair. Also, if you're going for a wholesome look, natural color is usually better.

Is natural hair colour boring?

Not for me..

Is natural hair colour boring?

Using natural hair color shows you are a well adjusted person who does not feel the commercially inspired need to buy the latest product offered by those who try to get your money by making you feel bad about the way you really are. Anyone who looks down on a person because of their natural color is not worth impressing. Such people usually are unhappy with themselves and are trying to elevate themselves at the expense of others.

Is natural hair colour boring?

well what about when you get older do you want grey highlights or would you colour it

Is natural hair colour boring?

Depend on the hair colour some are blessed with lovely hair which highlights itself in summer and last through to minter i think harsh colours on hair look rank but toners etc can look erally pretty as long as you dont go over board!

Is natural hair colour boring?

It's just an impression! Don't feel pressured to change the way your hair looks just because other people do it too or fashion spreads make it seem glam.

Sure, you can have more variation with dyed hair and the right pick of colour and highlights can add to your appearance, but at the same time I don't think anyone looks hideous or outdated with their natural hair colour. Besides, I've seen friends who've changed their hair colour to more 'fashionable' ones and looked horrid as a result. For one, I've learnt that most brunettes should never go blonde!

Besides, once you dye your hair, especially if it's very different from your natural hair colour, you have to keep dying it every few weeks at least, which can be quite an expense and hassle. Plus, you need to take extra care of your hair as dye can be damaging. It can lead to frizz and the colour may change over some washes, especially if you swim or hang out in the sun a lot.

Is natural hair colour boring?

its just ur percepective. since uve seen ur natural hair colour for many yrs now, dyed hair may seem flashy n stuff... u prolly wudnt have thot so if the colour u dyed ur hair with was ur natural hair colour (except if ur natural hair colour was pink or purple or sumting)

Is natural hair colour boring?

natural hair are back in fashion now. though trends cant be typecasted as boring or happening by its name, it depends more on the way you carry them off, its the atitude that counts.

Is natural hair colour boring?

I try to get my hair the color of what is was when I was younger.Most people color it for the reason to cover grey or white. I know I do.

There are some interesting colors out there to make your hair scream wow!

Natural hair is beautiful.Changing it is not because its boring but because you want something new.

Is natural hair colour boring?

One time I dyed my hair blond and for the first two weeks, my hair was completly orange! So You might want to dye your hair over summer so if this happens to you no one will see you! Good Luck! by the way. It depends on what your skin tone is to have the right color. Light skin: Light color. Easy as that

Is natural hair colour boring?

It depends on the colour and condition of the hair.

Pros of dyed hair: it can help accentuate features. For eg. Highlights make you look younger and accentuate your eyes. If you get a good job done, you will attain a "different" look.

Cons: It damages hair (trust me on this one. Split ends are a hassle and it dries your hair if you dye it too often). And it's expensive to maintain as you have to go for retouching every 4 weeks so as to not let the roots show. If you get a bad dye job, it is very likely for you to feel upset.

Is natural hair colour boring?

I like natural hair color, but I reached the age years ago where I began to look like I had pigeon mess in my hair. I believe in keeping your natural color until you start seeing a change or you're in a profession, such as theatre, where parts require hair color change. Dyed hair is beautiful if the person got even distribution of the color and didn't get it so dark that it looks like they poured shoe polish on their head.

Is natural hair colour boring?

natural hair has more potential of being healthy hair. whereas dyed hair is more likely to be damaged. Also, I think the only judge to whether or not your hair color is boring is you. I think is has less to do with the color and more to do with the person. There could be a brunette who has shiny, and a simple straight texture, that is an absolute knock out, bcus she knows how to take care of her hair... then there is the brunette who has split ends and a simple and unflattering hair cut you're likely to say she's dowdy not bcus of the color of her hair but bcus it's not nice looking and to top it off she probably lacks a sense of style to boot. It's not how you color you hair but how much effort you put into maintaining it. once you dye your hair it's very hard to get your natural color back, once you hair is dyed it is more likely to be dry, frizzy and have unattractive roots about 4 months into your dye job. It's our hair styles that are flashy and modern not the colors. All those kids that dye their hair black to fit into a trend with the scene aren't necessarily more trendy bcus they have dyed black hair, they are pretty much boring bcus everyone else has done it. And in most cases someone with natural black hair IE an Asian woman looks much better with it than the girl who dyed hers black. Unless you're starting a trend of rainbow dyed hair color, I think you can be just as modern without putting chemicals into it. If I had the chance to take it back I would've put down the bleach and just enjoyed the fact that my auburn/coffee/ naturally highlighted tresses were much more attractive and much more unique than having the black on blonde i have now. I did it and not even a month later I see about twenty women that had the same dye job, and now I'm most likely never going to get that color back and I'm left blending in with the crowd.

Is natural hair colour boring?

Natural hair can be beautiful! I would ask friends for an opinion, but you can always experiment with color rinses and glosses to boost your color.

Is natural hair colour boring?

if you want something trendy go for streak, that case you don't have to touch your natural color. But I prefer natural hair all you can do is change your style pick something that will make you feel better.

Is natural hair colour boring?

If the natural color suits your skin tone then why change it? "Virgin" hair is stronger and shinier than processed hair, and much easier to work whit.

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