Monday, April 16, 2012

Making Natural Hair Dye?

I have many all natural, homeopathic and organic books, yet none of them have been able to give me a nice easy recipe for an all natural hair dye. Well, the homeopathic book wouldn't have the answer, but none of the others have either. I wasn't happy with my web search either =/. I wanted a dark marron, or wine colour. Anyone know any good all natural hair dies? And not henna either, I know how to make that. It can be either permanent or temp. Thanksss =]]


Making Natural Hair Dye?

Hi there ! Glad you know how to use henna.

I have a friend here in Montreal you said her hairdress from trinidad does her hair and dyes it with natural vegetable dyes. I am not sure how she does it because it is very new to me as well. But you may want to look that up more. I saw my friends hair and it was light red toned. Like a red head. But not very dark, just right.


Making Natural Hair Dye?

Thanks ! Yes some do use wine in their henna as well. To bring out more red. I do hope you find something. Email me if you do. Report It

Making Natural Hair Dye?

I'm no expert or anything, but here is something that I've done.

Mix together in a plastic bowl: peroxide, baking soda, and Kool-aid (cherry is nice) let it sit overnight. In the morning apply it onto your hair and cover it with a plastic cap, or plastic wrap (for food). You can do this once a week until you start to notice the change.

Making Natural Hair Dye?

im a hairstylist and I think it would be best just to get it done and pay the cost because its your hair and doing something drastic like coloring it

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