Monday, April 16, 2012

Natural blonde... right hair color for me is dark brown??

Thats what my hair stylist said. I'm pale with grey/light blue eyes. My natural hair color is dark dark blonde but I bleached it strawberry blonde and now i think it looks bad since my face has a lot of pink to it so my face is almost darker than my hair!! I'm thinking about dying it brown then to a darker brown--almost black. Will it look weird since my eyebrows are light brown?

Natural blonde... right hair color for me is dark brown??

Yes, so you will have to darken your eyebrows. But don't go dark because they only way to get back to light is to bleach it if you use permanent dye. Try a semi-permanent so it will wash out to a lighter brown after about a month. Just dye your hair light brown or dark blonde and leave it alone, you don't want your hair to get too damaged.

Natural blonde... right hair color for me is dark brown??

Nothing looks worse then a fake blonde. honesty, you'll look better no matter what you do. I have a friend with blonde eyebrows and very dark blonde almost brown hair. She looks fine, so you probably will, too. I say - go darker for sure.

Natural blonde... right hair color for me is dark brown??

I am natural blonde but have dark brown hair now. I think it looks way better. You should go dark! Its ok if your eyebrows and hair color dont match exactly. If it really bothers you, you can get your eyebrows colored, too.

Natural blonde... right hair color for me is dark brown??

Hair is no laughing manner..I had horror story of hair..I been every color in the rainbow I wish I had internet when I was a teenager..

Here is a link where you can use your OWn picture at the same time look at the hair you like and print and take to the salon..and is fun without the surpises..Good luck..Try the demo for free.

Natural blonde... right hair color for me is dark brown??

If you already had dark dark blonde hair, then I would say that you should stay dark instead of staying light. Since you say your face is fairly pink (I have the same thing), I would recommend going to "the dark side" and having dark chocolate brown hair. I would not recommend black-brown for your hair if you have naturally blonde hair, because it may seem goth and/or slightly emo. Also, brown hair (especially dark brown) tends to have a very flattering quality to it, no matter what face shape or body shape.

And it won't look weird just because your eyebrows are might even look better. But if you are that worried about it, you can always use eyebrow "mascara" which can be found at drugstores nationwide.

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