Saturday, April 14, 2012

Natural hair lightner?

Ok so yesteday I asked if lemon juice can lighten your hair. Yada yada yada.. Got that.

But now I want to know if anyone has any home made recipes for someone with dark brown hair, previously dyed, to lighten it up a bit.

I would like a recipe, how long it needs to stay in, do I need to be in sun or not, how often do I need to repeat it.

I like the thought of natural home made things. They are easier for me to obtain.

I dont want to get my hair dyed professionally..It reeked havoc on my ends and I know how horrible the chemicals are for you hair and your yourself. So I dont want answers saying that it would be easier to get it done by a salon.

Haha Im not trying to be rude. But I have looked at loads of websites..and they are not very specific about it.


Please and thank you!!

Natural hair lightner?

Lemon juice will work; a ratio of 1 part lemon juice to 3 parts water (so if you had 1/4 cup lemon juice, you'd use 3/4 cup of water). You do need to be in sun afterward, but you don't necessarily have to plan and ration that sun-time. Just take a morning shower; when you're finished, rinse your hair one last time, but using the above mixture, and let whatever sun you normally catch during the day lighten your hair.

Chamomile tea will also work, and it's recommended for brunettes such as yourself; brew a reasonably strong pot of tea, let it cool, and rinse your hair with it.

Either of the above mixtures can be made ahead of time and put in a spray-bottle for quick or more precise application. In fact, I recommend it highly.

Either of these processes, particularly the lemon juice because of its high acidity, can damage your hair. However, you're in luck, because there's another all-natural treatment that will lighten *and* moisturize your hair, which is olive oil. Comb it through, more sitting-in-the-sun, and while you might need a couple of thorough shampoos to totally remove it from your hair, it'll help repair stripping from other processes you've put your hair through.

(If all of that doesn't interest you, or sounds a bit complicated, you can purchase a safe, natural hair-lightening product that uses all three of the above herbal processes from - it's called "Marilyn", and you can find it at the link below if you're interested. I don't usually recommend products unless people ask, but I've used this before on my dirty-blonde locks, and I've also done the lemon juice and chamomile on my own, and this is softer and easier...)

Good luck! Hope you get the color you're looking for.

Natural hair lightner?

spend the summer on the beach

Natural hair lightner?

you can pour regular hydrogen peroxide in your hair and use a blow dryer or go out in the sun- it works

Natural hair lightner?

just buy hair dye from the store stop being cheap

Natural hair lightner?

baby oil %26amp; lemon juice

try looking up homemade hair remedies on google %26amp; i see what you find.

Natural hair lightner?

Snoop dog uses Bleotch to lighten his hair.

Natural hair lightner?

Sun and lemon juice.

Natural hair lightner?

i know this isn't a homemade recipe or nuthing but try "Sun-In" i tried it and im waiting for it to work .... it DOES take a while though

Natural hair lightner?

facial hair bleach.. don't put it to the roots, about an inch away. Hair color isn't bad for you any way.

Natural hair lightner?

Try Chamomile tea. Use it over a period of time, with a lot of sun exposure. Maybe it doens't work, but my hair got lighter - could have been all the sun. I was working outside all day.

By the way, the tea doesn't have to be hot when you put it in your hair.

Natural hair lightner?

What my mother used to use was a squeezed lemon or lime (strained, so you don't get the pulp on your hair) and apply it on the top of your hair with a wad of cotton. (It works better if you just do the top layer, or streak some of the top layer). Then sit in the sun for about half an hour (depending on how strong the sun is -- you don't want to get sunstroke!)

Then come in and wash your hair using a chamomile rinse. You make that by making chamomile tea, and pouring it over your hair. It neutralizes the lemon (which is acid) and conditions your hair naturally.

Hope this works for you.

Natural hair lightner?

i think girls with hair extensions are hot black and blonde

Natural hair lightner?

I hate to tell you this but any home remedies you get will turn your hair orange.

When you get your orange hair from your home remedy, Mrs. Smith's Laundry bluing will take the orange color out if you apply it to your hair every time you wash it.

It would be easier to do Loreal Couler Experte.

Natural hair lightner?

getting out in the sun is the cheapest way you can go.

Natural hair lightner?

-2 egg whites

-a sqeeze of lemons

-1/4 cup of brown sugar

-pinch of salt

-2/3 cup of milk- non dairy/ almond breeze works the best

-3/4 cup of powdered sugar

Mix together and put thin coat on hair. let dry for 5 min. and than mix together 1/2 cup of honey and 2 tablespoons of baking powder.put in microwave for 10 seconds. let cool. wash out first mixture thoroughly. condition hair with honey mixture and leave in for 15-20 min. wash out of hair and blow dry.

use once a week until result is to your liking

Natural hair lightner?

I would seek professional help. I don't mean a psychiatrist. And I know you don't want to hear that, but sometimes you just have to bite the bullet and pay someone to fix your hair. A great beautician can do this %26amp; you'll be glad you did.

I don't recommend any of these home remedies. If you don't know how to alter the color of hair, now is not a good time to experiment, especially if your hair is damaged. This may cause further damage. The peroxide and hair color that is sold to the public does not have the same strength that beauticians use. Peroxide needs to be strong enough to "lift" the color. If you use regular peroxide, you may not get the desired result, as you might be getting "brassy" looking hair instead.

Baby oil is just mineral oil, which does not hydrate hair OR skin. All it does is seal the hair (or skin) that it's applied to. In actuality, it DEhydrates hair and skin, because it doesn't allow absorption of other nutrients to get in. Proteins are the only thing that can hydrate and mildly repair hair.

And by all means do NOT use henna on your hair unless you want it to turn turqoise.

Natural hair lightner?

Homemade Light and Lemon Hair Spray


2 to 4 lemons


To make:

Slice the lemons and cover with water in a pan.

Simmer for 1 hour, adding more water as it evaporates.

Let cool, then strain.

Pour the lemon liquid into a pump spray bottle.

Spray on hair avoiding ends let sit on hair till it lightens to desired shade. Sitting in the sun helps immensly

Makes 2 to 3 cups

This recipe will last approximately 1 week refrigerated.

Easier on your hair then straight lemon juice.But lemon juice will still strip your hair over time.


Brew a cup of strong chamomile tea let stand till it gets to room temp spray or comb it into dry hair let sit half and hour then rinse ...repeat every day till results are achieved.


Blonde Highlights


1 cup lemon juice

3 cups chamomile tea (brewed, %26amp; cooled)


Mix ingredients, pour over damp hair then let sit for an hour while you sit in the sun, wash out. Follow with a good conditioner.

Highlights - Olive Oil

Not only is olive oil a great hair conditioner, but it's also a great hair lightener. Just comb it through and let the sun do the rest of the work for you. It may take a few washes to get it all out afterwards, but your hair will be nicely moisturized and beautifully sun-kissed!

Highlights - Lighten With Lemons

Lemon juice + the sun = highlights! This is great for blondes who wanna lighten and brighten up. Just add 1/4 cup of lemon juice to 3/4 cup of water, put it in a spray bottle and spritz it on your hair - but NOT on your scalp. Then kick back with some mags, some music and a lot of sunscreen, waiting for the sun to create summery highlights.

Highlights - Cuppa Chamomile

Listen up brunette babes, cuz here's a natural way to bring golden highlights to your hair! All ya have to do is boil a pot of chamomile tea and let it cool. Rinse your freshly washed and conditioned hair in the brew and relax in the sun. If you want to go lighter, then do it everyday for a week.

I know some are basically the same but this is all i could find for you lemon and /or/ chamomile. hope it helps

Natural hair lightner?

wind ( if you drive a convertible ir mortorcycle) and sun will naturally lighten your hair -

but BEWARE - lightening of the hair, even if done naturally, will result in damage - any method used to REMOVE color from the shaft is achieved because the hair shaft is damaged, that is swhy the hair lightens in color -

Natural hair lightner?


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