Friday, April 20, 2012

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

serious answers only plz... i have had my hair every color under the sun EXCEPT solid black, now i had black widow for a while which is a level 1 black w/ a violet base, and it was beautiful, but it was well, violet in any type of direct light, especially in the sun.. how well do you think someone with a natural hair color of a level 2 would look with black hair? take in to mind, i have waist length hair, and a colouring is no less 250$, so what do you think? yes or no

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

Do it! I have the same natural color you do and I do black ever autumn and winter I love it, whats funny is this year I put a little violet in it I love it! Black is so awsome just bewear to go tanning or invest in some awsome bronzer because it washes me out a little more than my nautrual brown.

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

just die it your self black hair is sexy

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

to be honest with you, no one cares.

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

you should be able to. if you're all into the "dark" type of style you should go for the violet. if you're a chola girl i'd go blue-black.

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

No black hair is ugly.

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

it depends if your really white..because if you are it could wash out your skin

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

I wouldn't risk it. My older sister has naturally dark hair and she's gone for just about every color there is but black was AWFUL.

She had to get the color blown out and all of this junk, it was a mess. Stick with what you can trust.

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

no, i think that everyone should keep their natural hair color (you know, the type God gave you) and appreciate it. It's just not worth the money

(but it is your choice of course)

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

What ever you feel comfortable with go for it!

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

Yes, if you want the Morticia-look.

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

ya try it... if ya don't like it you can dye it back... i think it would rock you have the lenght and it would be awsome.

Okay, i have dark brown hair, natural level 2 brown, do you think i can rock black hair?

black is one of the hardest colors to pull off. it really depends on your skin tone and the color black you want to use. and black is the hardest color to get out of your hair. i had to wait about 8-9 months for that crap to grow out of my hair! i suggest you dont do it

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